Companies and Craftsmen in Ocean Marine S.r.l for the yacht service in Monfalcone

The staff of Ocean Marine S.r.l. has been selected over time and guarantees shipowners a high degree of reliability during yacht service operations, hauling, launching, de-tree, raising and handling.

The operations of hauling and launching are carried out with the help of two cranes of 70 and 35 and an electric one of 5 tons (in case of need through the help of Travel lift) while the movements are made with modern wagons carrying boats of 60, 30 and 20 tons.

The sockets on which the boats are stored are tested over time and guarantee them a high degree of safety even in the event of adverse weather conditions. For those who wish to put boats back , Ocean Marine is equipped with two large sheds equipped with a fire detection system. Boats stored inside are covered by Ocean Marine personnel with nylon sheeting to protect them from dust.

The maintenance work is carried out by highly specialized companies that, born from the handing down of the ancient nautical traditions of Monfalcone and Trieste, have been able to evolve over time, creating a mix with the most modern technologies. The result obtained guarantees boat owners of all kinds of services at highly competitive prices .

The owner of the boats is therefore at Ocean Marine S.r.l. a safe “shelter” where technology and experience are offered to the customer in a “family” manner.

Owners who do not intend to use the companies present at Ocean Marine Srl can do their own work or use skilled workers, provided that everything is done in full compliance with the regulations protecting the environment, safety and health on the site of work.

Owners intending to make use of external workers or who introduce guests to the structure must inform them of the provisions of the contract stipulated with Ocean Marine Srl and accompany them to the office to receive information on the risks and site regulations.

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